We are 'The Flower Children'

The Children of Mother Earth

The Flower Children are a community of like-minded people that operate within nature. We are nature. Our name pays respects to the wonderous plant life this marvellous planet has graced us with. We offer camps during the summer and winter where we gather for considerable lengths of time on nature expeditions during which we explore and learn to live with the land, as well as learn to live with one another. We respect nature as we all have a reliance and responsibility to look after it, giving us all a common ground to relate our discussions to.

Our History and Activities

The Flower Children started off as an ignorant collective with many disagreements and grave infighting, but through communicating our thoughts and searching for our true reasons for our opinions, we found that through truly listening to each other in these conversations, we could always find common ground. At our camps, a democratically chosen group is sent to look for food through hunting and gathering natural fruits and/or bush talk while others mind the camp. In the evening, we come together for a feast during which we have discussions about a variety of different topics including but not limited to improving the community, designating roles for odd jobs needing completion and other topics we may feel require trading of different viewpoints. Following these feasts, we conduct impovised musical activities using whatever instruments we may have available.