Our Morals and Rules

As a community we believe in giving our members the freedom to do what they would like with their time, however we are very strict on our rules and regulations to keep the community safe and make sure that everyone is playing their part in contributing to continuously bettering the Flower Children.

Open communication:

Every night we gather with the community to have open discussions about anything that our members may feel would contribute to our communities continuous improvement, we encourage everyone to contribute to these conversations.

Upholding our beliefs:

We hold moral standings and shared beliefs of inclusivity, representation, sustainability and democracy in high regard. We expect the members of our community to uphold our values not only in their everyday life but also when communicating and interacting with others.

Everyone plays their part:

Everyone in the community is expected to contribute in some way, roles and tasks are delegated between members appropriately. It is encouraged to help others with their tasks if you notice a person struggling and you feel as though you could lend a hand.

If a member has been found to be continuously breaking the rules they will be spoken to and given the opportunity to improve on their behaviour in the community. However if it is found that the individual has continuously broken the rules with no effort to improve they will be asked to leave the community and given adequate time to find suitable accommodation.